The domain
Le Monneton dominates the valons due south, facing the Pyrenees. It is located in the commune of Sainte-Christie, a village of 500 inhabitants including the origin, apart from a few Gallo-Roman traces, dates back to the 11th century, period in which was built a primitive castle, church and houses, enclosed in a speaker.
The property is also very old. The discovery of a window mullions confirms the presence of the buildings in the Renaissance period (16th century century). In the 19th century, it was a presbytery and at the beginning of the last century nuns settle in and teach the children of the village. After the war, agricultural workers were housed there, then for a fifty years the buildings were no longer inhabited.
In 2008, the Bastide de Sainte-Christie at a place called "en Monneton" became a remarkable property, thanks to a total restoration whose objective was to respect the authenticity of the place, using recycled materials as well as than old construction and renovation techniques.